REGENERATIVE MEDICINE - Hard & soft tissue engineering
One of the most efficient, modern ways of promoting wound healing is the increased utilization of blood-derived growth factors. One of the first steps in this direction was the application of the so-called Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) by Marx in 1998. Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) is its an advanced, second-generation solution. The difference between PRP and PRF lies in the fact that while the former has no fibrin and only few white blood cells, PRF is “rich” in fibrin and leukocytes, and it’s free of heparin and any other additives.
Refill kits
The Process for PRF technology requires a regular supply of certain “wear and tear” items.
Such items include the A-PRF tubes used for producing the advanced PRF, i.e., A-PRF membranes and sticky bone as well as the I-PRF tubes for producing the injectable PRF (I-PRF).
The blood collection process requires the safety B-12 blood collector devices, equipped with protection against random needle pricks. Case study video
All the three products are applied in closed systems with CE0123 certification.
As it is well known, many dentists have difficulties with venous blood collection. The first stage of the PRF technology is blood collection, which can be made easier and simpler by the American Veinlite vein finder instruments.
This is a 2nd generation device that illuminates the deep veins with a reddish light and the superficial ones with a whitish light. Case study video
A branded product of Process for PRF, it is used in facial aesthetic treatments.
Fast system
Provide a tension- and pressure-free operation area with the help of screw-fixed titanium meshes for a successful and quick bone regeneration. Case study video
Soft Brushing kit
The instruments of the Soft Brushing kit allow you to extend the flap up to 3-5 cm by disorganizing the collagen fibres of the
fibrous periosteum without incision or causing any harm. Case study video