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Why You Should Watch PurgoRegen Global Webinar

The diversity of surgeons leads to different clinical perspectives.
In the Global Webinar, your experienced colleagues will explain their vision &
the best practices in terms of
 Sinus Bone Augmentation Surgery & how they lead a treatment plan for optimal result with Suturing Process.

Timing Of Loading After Sinus Bone Augmentation Surgery

Dr. Yong Seok Cho

Sinus bone augmentation surgery with high predict
ability has been developed a lot and is currently very common.

Factors affecting the timing of prosthetic loading after maxillary sinus surgery depend on the height and bone quality of the residual ridge, primary and secondary stability of implant, and the speed of bone formation in the maxillary sinus.

In this lecture, I would like to present factors to be considered when applying such a load, and suggest methods to accelerate loading time.

Lecture in English, English subtitles available


Watch the lecture


Back To The Suture

Dr. Jung-Chul Park

In many cases of surgeries, we have observed many cases where problems arise in the good healing process due to poor suturing and the suturing process is often disregarded.

I'm going to explain the basics of Suture techniques with examples, such as which technique is suitable for optimal healing, what kind of needle to choose, how to use it, and opinions on various careful techniques.

Lecture in English, English subtitles available




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